Ethos and Vision
Our fundamental aim is to try and provide the best possible education for all of our children.
Our ethos centres around:
- Academic progress;
- Care, well-being, social and emotional aspects of learning
- Enrichment, life-skills and enterprise
We see each child as an individual with their own identity and strive to help children to get along together and to take responsibility for themselves and for their learning. Everyone will work hard and show consideration for each other.
We believe that our school should be a challenging, stimulating and happy place in which learning is the core business. Children will develop skills, knowledge and attitudes which will provide them with a foundation for future learning and life. We want children to have the opportunity to achieve success whilst seeking to fulfil their potential as independent learners.
Mission Statement
“Learning Together”
To challenge, support and interest all children to develop into well- rounded, resilient and happy learners who are proud of their successes.